Wednesday, August 29, 2007

RJ is 4!


RJ just turned 4 years old and had an awesome birthday party to celebrate.

RJ and his brother Colin...aren't they adorable???


I think this is my favorite photo from the day. Right before RJ blew out his candles he very seriously...and out loud, wished for a new power ranger.

He had to take a moment to hug his present. :-)

Colin got soaked.

And then he got revenge... :-) Love this face. He's like, "I will spray you...don't think I won't."

And he did.


Happy birthday RJ! There were too many cute photos to pick, so here is a slide show of a few more. :-)

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Michele & Gary: Wedding


Michele & Gary had an absolutely gorgeous wedding at Cescaphe ballroom in Philadelphia. We love that they decided to see each other before the ceremony so we had lots of time to hit all the major hot spots in Philly for wedding photos. So here are some of our favorite from their day, with a link to a slideshow of some more at the end! :-)


I think these shoes are so hot.




Katie put some textures on this photo she took and I think it looks crazy awesome!





If you look closely you can see Michele and the bridal party in the reflection :-)


Gary got so choked up as he watched Michele walk down the aisle, it was so sweet.


Cescaphe ballroom was absolutely beautiful and they had a TON of food. Everyone definitely had an awesome time celebrating Michele & Gary. They even had salsa dancers come to perform for everyone, and they were fantastic!



And as promised, here is a slideshow of some more :-)

Sunday, August 19, 2007

All the cool kids wear lobster hats

A couple of weekends ago, Mikey and I made the 6 hour trek (we were smart and left during rush hour) up to Stonington, CT for his friend Ryan's wedding. It's so much fun going to weddings as just a guest and getting to party it up, but I just HAD to take a couple of shots during the day.





Here's a super cute shot of Seth & Lisa:


Johnny & Krystle also looking super cute:


The wedding was seriously the best time ever. We got to catch up with a ton of people we hadn't seen in what seems like forever, and we all just danced the night away decked out in lobster hats. How cool are we?


Dee looks so adorable here:





Me handing my camera off to a passer-by and jumping into a picture. There are never pictures of me!


And of course, the cutest boy in the world:
